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29th April – 1st May 2021 | Virtual

XIIth International Workshop of the German CLL Study Group


Dear colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the XIIth International Workshop of the German CLL Study Group to be held virtually from 29th April – 1st May 2021.
We have prepared an exciting program, featuring numerous international speakers from clinical and basic CLL research in order to encourage open and interactive live discussions. Everyone with an interest in pathobiology, diagnosis and therapy of CLL is highly welcomed to join our meeting. The well-timed schedule of the virtual meeting makes it possible to get an overview of the latest research in CLL.
The sessions will include talks and live discussions about:

  • Precision Medicine: Functional, Genetic and Epigenetic
  • Prognostic Markers
  • How I manage patients in different settings
  • New compounds and approaches

We would be delighted to welcome you and look forward to meeting you soon.
Please note that early registrations are very much appreciated.

With kind regards,
Michael Hallek, M.D. | Barbara Eichhorst, M.D. | Kirsten Fischer, M.D. | Othman Al-Sawaf, M.D.

For further information and online registration please visit: